Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fifth and Sixth Radiation

I just finished my fifth week and began my sixth week on Tuesday because of the 4th of July weekend they were closed on Monday. I am doing great, I have some days I get really tired and others I am fine. I find if I keep busy I do not pay attention to how tired I am, but you do have to pace yourself, I tend to overdue a lot but that is me, stubborn. The redness you get is like a very very bad sunburn, the worse spot on me is my shoulder if you can believe that it is so red and hurts from my bra strap and seat belt. I am not being treated there anymore. After tomorrow they will just treat a smaller area, so I have till next Thursday or Friday, so I guess it will be almost 7 weeks after all. My skin could not have taken much more, some people get open soars and peeling and itching. I have been so blessed so far with no horrible side effects.

I have had some days I have felt nauseated even though the Doctor said I should not be, but it has not been everyday and only one time did I have to take something. I have heard some people do get nauseated, but it has not come back. It is different everyday it depends what I am doing and how much sleep I have gotten. I am almost done, I have a high tolerance for pain and I am a very patient person so that helps. This is not painful though only the redness in certain areas, but I can withstand knowing this is helping me I have to.

Time is passing quickly, even though it is a pain to go everyday except weekends, I do not make it something I dread to do. I go knowing this is going to cure me and I get to visit with some wonderful people everyday and meet others going through the same thing. Smiling and being happy makes life so much easier and I am greeted with smiles everyday so it makes me smile too!!! I have also been called "Sunshine" that really made me feel GREAT!

Have I done any good in the world today? I really try and I try to make others happy and stay positive too that makes me so very happy!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

12th Radiation and Doctor's visit

I just got back a while ago from my appointments today. I would like to mention when I go into the building before I go back to the Radiation office I am greeted every morning also by Carrie and smiling Gracie who are just so sweet, there is Frances and Ada on that floor too, who have helped me so very much and are also the kindest ladies. There are the two Cathy's who help women with all these different programs, HONESTLY what a staff of remarkable people and all the wonderful people in my (Chemo) now Herceptin treatments, how fortunate I have been to be treated by these outstanding people and I truly do mean this from the bottom of my heart. They make going through this easy for me, I sometimes have to tell myself am I really doing all this.

My Doctor says everything is going really good, he tells me to do all my activities that it is good for me, and I told him, "Good, because I would be doing them anyway." I am very stubborn and you can not keep me down, I will go until I am laid to rest one day.ha. I am so grateful to be able to do all the things I enjoy doing again, you do not realize how just the simplest things we take for granite. Right now until I get through radiation I will have to pace myself a little more just until I get through this. But all is well!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010

Third Week of Radiation

This is my third week of radiation, and all is going well. I see the Radiation Doctor tomorrow, every Tuesday I see him to make sure everything is going good and if I am having any problems. They take X-rays every 5 days to check for positioning and every other day they put like this big square cold skin like thing it is called a boulus, but that brings the radiation beams to the surface areas and then without it, it will go deeper in, if that makes sense.
I am suppose to be feeling fatigued that is the worst of it, I do get tired but I just slow down a little. Between the Herceptin treatment, my five year pill and radiation, goodness all these can cause weakness and fatigue, but I think I am doing pretty good I try not to think or dwell on that to much and just pace myself until I am done with radiation.

I lead a very busy life and do not have time to be sick, I joke it takes a lot to slow me down so this is just temporary. You do not feel any pain or anything at all during radiation, they say they are so precise it only gets the area they are targeting and nothing else, radiation has really come a long way.

I have a wonderful Radiology Doctor who is very nice and caring, and all the staff is just so sweet they greet me each morning with a smile, Rachel, Anita, and Michelle. And my technicians Cat, Jennifer, Jeff, and Ineatta are so nice and fun to talk with. It is so crazy that I have met such wonderful people that have touched my life so and if it were not for me going through this I would not have known or met these people it is funny how life works. Then you can not imagine these people not being in your life, these things I know happen for a reason and my life is richer for having met all of these wonderful people and all the experiences I have had so far.

There will be lots of Doctor appointments over the next few years and they taper off by the fifth year its not as many they say. You have to remain positive always and not dwell on the "RECURRENCE" you have to be aware of signs that could be telling you something is not right, but not to constantly be thinking it is going to come back. I pray that mine will never come back but if it does I would just have to deal with it like everyone else and they get through it again. Of course none of us want it to come back and hopefully over the years they will find better cures.

I am waiting for the day when all my treatments are done, they will then run tests, and I want to hear the words YOU ARE CANCER FREE that is what I am looking forward to. I will probably volunteer at the cancer center one day when I am done with all this,

The prayers I have received and still do receive have given me strength beyond I could have ever imagined I amaze myself, you all have been so wonderful and caring how could anyone not recover from such support and love. I will always remember the wonderful feeling and comfort I have received from these prayers I have indeed become so strong our HEAVENLY FATHER hears our prayers and answers them. I am grateful for everyday I have, I do look at life differently now, do not take anything for granite!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting Ready for Radiation

This was such a crazy week and a very busy week. I went to my Oncologist appointment and talked with him about starting radiation then he sent me to the Radiologist downstairs to register. He gave me a prescription for my 5 year pills that will cost $400.00 a month, he did tell me to go downstairs and talk with one of the ladies that helps get the drugs reduced, so I pray that I will get excepted into this program because those are some very expensive pills, he said they are effective in helping prevent cancer from coming back.

The next day I had to get a heart test, echocardiogram because of my treatments with the Herceptin, it could possibly cause heart problems. I didn't hear anything from them so everything must be fine. The following day was my Herceptin appointment which they would not have let me do if something would have been wrong, so that was good.

The same day 30 minutes later I went to see the Radiologist and talked with him he explained what they were going to do and the side effects the most common one is fatigue but he said if I am active and are use to doing a lot of things it shouldn't be bad nothing like chemo anyway. He told me to do everything I was doing before, of course to use common sense and do not do something till your in pain or exhausted. That made me happy because I was doing it anyway!

Then came the fourth day Friday, by then I was tired of going to appointments, ha. Went to Radiologist again and got a CT Scan and positioned for Radiation, was getting nervous all over again about all this but I am better now. I know the Lord is watching over me and I feel a real comfort inside of me.

Next Wednesday the 26th I have more X-Rays and on Thursday the 27th I start my radiation everyday except weekends for up to 7 weeks at the longest may be 6 weeks not sure yet, The radiation treatment is really fast they say less than a minute so that is good, I will be so happy when I am done with this treatment!

I have endured this well so far and remain positive and happy and plan on living my life to the fullest and trying not to dwell on the "Recurrence" part of it, yet you have to be aware of your body and know when something is not right then you get it checked out right away.

This is a very scary thing to have but I truly rely on all the Prayers and Fasting, Priesthood Blessing and a lot of FAITH!!!! I know the Lord has a lot of work for me to do yet and I will not let him down and I Thank him everyday for my health and all that I have, and I can say "The LORD is on my side and onward I shall MARCH!!!!

I Love your prayers and encouragement they have helped me so much in getting through all of this. THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH, I Love You All!!!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Daughters Love

My youngest daughter recently gave me a beautiful card I would like to share with you:

One tiny butterfly
shows what it means
to have enduring courage
and dignity,
so that even when the wind
takes it in an unknown direction,
it flies,
staying strong, staying brave.
One tiny butterfly
lifts itself up
with the light
deep inside its soul,
rising on wings of hope
for a safe
and renewing journey...
You're like that butterfly,
brave and beautiful.
I know your courageous spirit
will carry you through this
just like it has carried you
so many times before.
And I also know
I'm here for you,
to offer friendship
and comfort
and support,
so you'll soon have
all the strength
you need
to soar once more.

I have some very wonderful kids and their spouses too who truly love me and they keep me going especially my grand children!!!!!


In life we can be WEAK or we can be STRONG, I of course have chosen to be strong!!!

Who you TRULY are as person is best revealed by who you are during times of conflict
and crisis.

Happiness is a CHOICE not just a matter of GENES or GOOD LUCK.

If you can drive yourself can drive yourself happy.

When life throws you CURVEBALLS, hit them out of the park.

Time not only HEALS, time REVEALS.


I asked for strength...
And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom...
And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for prosperity...
And God gave me a Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for courage...
And God gave me Danger to overcome.

I asked for love...
And God gave me Troubled people to help.

I asked for favors...
And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted
but i received everything I needed.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Debbie's Comments

By the way on this video I never did go bald, my hair just got really thin and before the Sixth Chemo I just had my husband buzz it to my scalp and it is already growing back.

I just wanted to say whoever may be going through this too, that no not all my days have I been healthy looking and happy. I am a happy person, so I do try and stay positive. After my Chemo treatments I am tired and not feeling good, I would wear no makeup and lay on the couch I looked awful, I guess I never thought to post those. Well I never had anyone take a picture of me like that, when I did not feel good. So yes I had those horrible days when you just want to lay down and not talk to anyone. But then I would feel good again and would get out as much as I could before I would have to go back again. I know I was told to put your makeup on everyday so you would feel good about yourself. Which I did except when I felt really bad, and I did not care to put any makeup on. But it does make a difference and you do feel better when you do.

I have talked to so many people who have been very helpful and women who have been through this themselves and have shared their experiences with me which has helped me a lot. There's so much research you need to do to be informed on all the things you will go through, but everyone's case is different and reactions are different.

I still have a lot to do yet, I still have a spot or two on my spine, so now I will have to receive radiation on my spine also. It can be quite overwhelming and all the bills, but I just take one day at a time and know things will all work out, this happened for a reason and I have to have faith and put it in the Lord's hands.

When I get through all of this, I hope to one day help other women who have Breast Cancer too and hope to be a strength to them, like some of them have been to me.

Dollar4Debbie, Episode 3: The Haircut

Dollar4Debbie, Episode 3: The Haircut from Debbie Reed on Vimeo.

Here's the next video! Sorry it took so long, there were some YouTube issues so we've switched over to Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sixth Chemo Treatment

On January 20, 2010 was my last Chemo Treatment it was the sixth one. Everything went great as usual no problems. I basically reacted the same to all of them as far as the side effects go, like they told me how I react the first time will be how I react to all of them. Actually this last one I had no bone pain at all that I get from my 24 hour shot. It is like "growing pains" annoying, but I never got them, which they normally last a couple of days. So I was really happy about that. My Oncologist Doctor said he was surprised how well I did with the Chemo. Well we all know why!

I am happy that part is over with, I do hope and pray I do not have to do that ever again though. I will have to do Radiation to make sure they get it all, remove some lymph nodes and tumor, and continue my Herceptin treatment every three weeks until October. I just had CT Scans done and MRI. So I do not know that will change anything. MRI was a little different as I laid on my back this time and it was very tight fitting if you were claustrophobic I do not think you would make it. It was the same train horn blowing sound, with knocking and clonking and like the loudest jackhammer sounds. The ear plugs do not help much you just have to make your mind take you some where else. It was easier being on my back though.

Lot's of Doctor appointments for awhile. I still need all those wonderful prayers, like I probably have said before, I would not have done this well with the Chemo so far if it was not for all of you and those wonderful prayers and fasting. I do still need your support!!!

Some wonderful quotes, scriptures that have really helped me.

"Part of the promise of the Atonement is the blessing that comes after all we can do. When we are not enough, Christ can make up the difference. But we have to ask Heavenly Father, in the name of Christ, for the added strength."

"Seek this Jesus" (Ether 12:41) the One who encourages us to build, to perform great works, to prove ourselves worthy and obedient. Who offers solutions, who encourages us to search for ourselves and find the answers we long for.
Seek this Jesus, who will not let you cross the water in darkness, who will prepare the way before you, who knows what you have been through, who knows what is still to come. The One who allows the trials because He knows the blessings that will follow. The One who will show you the greater things, who will bring the unspeakable gifts The One who leads us to the promise."

(John 9:3) "that the works of God should be made manifest in him"

"Never underestimate the purpose of the trial. The works of Christ will be made manifest in your life. It is through adversity that we experience the sweetest parts of the Atonement. Enduring our trials allows us to experience the healing power of Jesus Christ. This process strengthens our testimony of the reality of Christ and enables us to eventually help lift the hands of another."

In this life we may have many trials we must endure, but we can do it, never lose faith or be blameful. (Ether 12:6) "Ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

I love my family for all of their support, and for all of my wonderful friends, for those of you I have never met, I so appreciate your donations that continue to help me so much. You are ALL SO AWESOME! I Love you and Thank you!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fifth Chemo Treatment

Almost finished with Chemo Treatment, I am sorry for putting this up so late, While I was getting better from the last treatment I just did not feel well enough to get on here and type.
My Fifth Chemo treatment went really well again, (Dec.30th) same side effects as last time. I have been so fortunate that I have never gotten worse or have had really bad side effects. Of course I know I could not have done so well without ALL of your prayers I am thankful for them everyday!
I have my last (6th) Chemo Treatment tomorrow, Wednesday the 20th. I am so glad, last one seemed like it took me weeks to feel better it was kind of getting to me, I was feeling very tired of this all of a sudden. The feeling of nothing tasting good to me and I have to constantly eat small meals because of one of my medications. You do not want to eat, but if you do not you will feel sick, it is just a real "yucky" feeling is the way I describe it, then I lose my taste buds for four days and I get really tired, my skin around my fingertips will peel for 4 days. I know it is no fun and I can not wait till the tenth day comes that is how long it takes till I feel really good again. But like I said I know this is nothing compared to what some people go through, so I can not complain to much at all.
I had a Doctors appointment on the 15th and my Doctor said he was surprised how well I have done with the Chemo Treatment and that I was doing really good. I have Scans and MRI I have to do the beginning of next month, see another Doctor and will have to do radiation yet. I will also have to continue the Herceptin treatment every 3 weeks until October for my Her-2 cancer cells. I was tested to see if I had the receptors for Her-2 which is a protein that helps the cancer to grow quickly. One medication for this type of cancer is the Herceptin, which serves to block signals that help the Tumor to grow it is usually given through IV weekly over 52 weeks,for me every 3 weeks for a year.It will be kind of a pain to have to do this, but of course it will save my life. There is so much to go through it can be quite overwhelming at times. I hope none of you ever have to go through this, get informed and checked regularly!
I am so Thankful so far for how well I have done I pray I can continue to be strong and continue to endure everything well!!!

Joseph Smith said "Whatever God requires is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason thereof till long after the events transpire" (History of the Church 5:135). No matter how long or hard the search, if it brings us closer to Christ, it is worth it. The intensity of the search will make the treasure priceless, one that we will not ever give up.

"Seek the Lord...[for] he be not far from every one of us." -Acts 17:27

May we all be strong in our Journey through life, and be thankful for all that we have been given!

I am truly Thankful for your Prayers and support you all continue to give me!!!
Love, Debbie