Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting Ready for Radiation

This was such a crazy week and a very busy week. I went to my Oncologist appointment and talked with him about starting radiation then he sent me to the Radiologist downstairs to register. He gave me a prescription for my 5 year pills that will cost $400.00 a month, he did tell me to go downstairs and talk with one of the ladies that helps get the drugs reduced, so I pray that I will get excepted into this program because those are some very expensive pills, he said they are effective in helping prevent cancer from coming back.

The next day I had to get a heart test, echocardiogram because of my treatments with the Herceptin, it could possibly cause heart problems. I didn't hear anything from them so everything must be fine. The following day was my Herceptin appointment which they would not have let me do if something would have been wrong, so that was good.

The same day 30 minutes later I went to see the Radiologist and talked with him he explained what they were going to do and the side effects the most common one is fatigue but he said if I am active and are use to doing a lot of things it shouldn't be bad nothing like chemo anyway. He told me to do everything I was doing before, of course to use common sense and do not do something till your in pain or exhausted. That made me happy because I was doing it anyway!

Then came the fourth day Friday, by then I was tired of going to appointments, ha. Went to Radiologist again and got a CT Scan and positioned for Radiation, was getting nervous all over again about all this but I am better now. I know the Lord is watching over me and I feel a real comfort inside of me.

Next Wednesday the 26th I have more X-Rays and on Thursday the 27th I start my radiation everyday except weekends for up to 7 weeks at the longest may be 6 weeks not sure yet, The radiation treatment is really fast they say less than a minute so that is good, I will be so happy when I am done with this treatment!

I have endured this well so far and remain positive and happy and plan on living my life to the fullest and trying not to dwell on the "Recurrence" part of it, yet you have to be aware of your body and know when something is not right then you get it checked out right away.

This is a very scary thing to have but I truly rely on all the Prayers and Fasting, Priesthood Blessing and a lot of FAITH!!!! I know the Lord has a lot of work for me to do yet and I will not let him down and I Thank him everyday for my health and all that I have, and I can say "The LORD is on my side and onward I shall MARCH!!!!

I Love your prayers and encouragement they have helped me so much in getting through all of this. THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH, I Love You All!!!!

1 comment:

Kami said...

Love you Mom!! Keep being strong...can't wait to see you!

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