Monday, November 23, 2009

Third Chemo Treatment

It was my first time to use the PowerPort since my surgery to do my Chemo. No more going through my veins. That morning I had applied my Lidocaine cream (deadens area where needle will go into PowerPort) and from the time I put it on that morning until I was suppose to have been seen, 2 hours had passed. I believe the cream had worn off by then.

When they went to put the needle in it was thicker and bigger than I thought and hoped it would be, so it did hurt for those few seconds going in. Not unbearable, it was much better than using the IV. It hurt a little as it was pulled out.

Everything went smoothly, I did not have the reaction with the Taxeteer drug this time and I was so happy! I know all those prayers are working for me. My mom and sister Jeni were up there supporting me which I love them for. Tia Nowitzky made her famous homemade brownies for us, nurses and patients, and oh how they love us, ha! Now we really have them spoiled. I so appreciate Tia for doing this again, she is such a busy woman herself.

I am feeling the normal weakness in my body not quite as bad as last time. I have to eat when I am hungry and it is always hard trying to figure out what will satisfy me at that time. I hate this part. But I am doing pretty good it usually takes me 10 days to feel really good. I try and be very positive about this and I know that helps me a lot too. I gargle with my baking soda and water 4 times a day and I have never got any sores in my mouth yet, yeah!

My cousin Tanda Bernal (on my dad's side) gave me some wonderful advice which has become my little motto. She said,"Hold your head high, hair or no hair" I loved the part about holding my head high, and I do when ever I go out I walk with my head high.

You all have given me such inspiration on my blog here and on my facebook. You make me feel wonderful inside and you give me such strength that helps me get through these harder times. I appreciate everyone's comments and prayers that have helped me so far, you truly have touched my heart so deeply!!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009

Family Fun

Just some average days in my life!
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thoughts on Breast Cancer

Quote from Harry S. Truman:"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties."

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles--it empties today of its strength."
Author Unknown

I liked this just changed a few things.

"I am a person who is living with cancer, not dying from it. I refuse to let this experience take over my life. I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a grandmother, a niece, a aunt, a great aunt, a cousin, a friend. I may have breast cancer, but breast cancer doesn't have me! I may not be able to be in control of the cancer, but I am in control of how I live my life, and I choose to make the most of each and every day God has given me. I'll take the time to experience the good things that life offers."

Everyone has trials in their lives. We can act one of two ways: We can feel sorry for ourselves, be angry, blame God for these trials, and spend all our energy asking why? Or we can take total control of our life and react in a positive way and accept that obstacles are a part of life and we can be happy and learn from this experience and share it and help others along the way so that they will be strong and not so afraid.

I am so thankful for all my blessings and for my trials that strengthen me!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009

PowerPort Surgery

November 5, 2009 (Thursday) I had my surgery for my PowerPort, I was excited it was not the Metaport this is a newer version. The PowerPort is a implanted Port it is a new technology designed to accommodate Power-injected CECT scans (Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography scans)and IV therapy without having to undergo repeated needlesticks in your arm or wrist area.

It is a small device placed completely beneath your skin (in front of my right shoulder) in a short procedure (about an hour)It is a cylinder with a hollow space inside that is sealed by a soft top. It connects to a small, flexible tube called a catheter that is inserted inside one of the large central veins that deliver blood to your heart. When a special needle is put into the soft top of the PowerPort device, it creates "access" to your bloodstream, meaning that medications and fluids can be given and blood samples drawn. It is triangular in shape with three bumps called Palpation Points on the top of the port(mine is purple). So this is where I will receive my Chemo and blood work. You can keep these in for years some people all their lives depending what they are having done. It will make life easier.

When I went in for surgery I found out I would not have to go all the way under I was so happy. My Doctor was a Doctor Hein, he was young and very nice, he explained how exactly they were doing this and showed me what it looked like. Any bad effects were very rare, he mentioned to make one thing a hundred percent proof is that I would have to "HUM" when he asked me. That would make sure all air was out of tiny tubing (catheter). Well one of the guys says he would be giving me the "Margarita" to make me sleepy. I remember they were ready to start and I was talking away, all I can remember doing was talking and then I remember him asking me at one point to take a deep breath and then "HUM". I then remember asking if he had any children, I believe he said 2 boys, I mentioned my kids and grand kids, I could feel him doing something (no pain) and then him saying "Okay we are done" I was like "What, it feels like it has only been 10 minutes". Boy I do not know if I fell asleep or I just rambled on the whole time. My husband Sam said when he came to get him, the guy said "I gave her the equivalent of 4 Margaritas but she just kept talking". How embarrassing!!!! Those of you who know me will think that is hilarious I am sure! It was a great experience very easy surgery, I do have some discomfort and have had to take Tylenol but it is only suppose to last a few days. I had to wait 2 hours before going home to make sure no bleeding appeared or anything else, so I went home 2 hours later and I am very happy I will have no more IV's or blood work taken from my poor veins again!